EO4GEO educational offer for Earth Observation and related curricula
Based on the Body of Knowledge (BoK) and the Curriculum Design Tool (CDT), EO4GEO has developed a model for the creation of educational offers for Earth Observation and related curricula and designed a set of offers. After the business processes have been identified, the necessary knowledge and skills for possible present and future occupational profiles have been recognized as a platform for educational offer design.
Author: Željko Bačić — GEOF Zagreb
The educational offer design concept and foreseen process have been presented at the 2nd Earth Observation Summit (2–3 June 2020), virtually organised by the Faculty of Geodesy — University of Zagreb as an official event of the Croatian Presidency of the European Union Council. Around 900 participants had the opportunity to follow the sessions related to the development of the EO4GEO educational offer and discuss it. Being aware that one project can’t design a comprehensive educational offer for EO and related fields, a concept to design educational offers — which can serve as a set of initial “building bricks” for the design of any kind of educational offer — has been developed. The bricks consist of some basic courses and modules combinable into a higher-level educational offer by using the Curriculum Design Tool (CDT), developed especially for this purpose (more info on the EO4GEO ecosystem of tools in a previous article). The present release of the CDT has been achieved in an interactive stepwise process, where releases have been tested and, following findings and suggestions, upgraded and enriched with new functionalities and content.
Basing on the developed model, the project partners involved in this task have created an initial set of different level educational offers, courses, modules, BSc, MSc and PhD studies. With the use of the Curriculum Design Tool, which is linked to the EO4GEO Body of Knowledge (BoK) where learning concepts are extracted (more in this article), the simplicity of the approach is demonstrated (see pictures). Of course, a familiarity with the knowledge and skill content which should be designed as an educational offer is required.
Created educational offers have additionally been examined through three independent reviews and finalized. The whole set of the developed offers is stored in the CDT and will be made public as an example for users of what and how can be created using CDT and BoK, as well as for possible use by academics or any other type of educational institutions.