Learn about EO4GEO Associate Partner: The Institute of Hydrometeorology (IHM), a leading research institute in Georgia, focusing on developing and implementing of scientific researches and innovative methods related to Earth Sciences.
The Institute of Hydrometeorology was established in 1953 on the base of Tbilisi Magnetic-Meteorological (Geophysical) Observatory (1844). From 1963 it became the first Transcaucasia Regional Scientific-Research Institute. During 1992–2005 the Institute was under Georgian National Scientific Academy system. According governmental regulations the Institute was transformed into LEPL on 2006. From 2010 the Institute became the structural unit of Georgian Technical University as independent scientific- research institute. The Institute integrates following four departments: Weather forecast, natural and technogenic disaster modeling; Climatology and agrometeorology; Hydrology and water resources; Environmental pollution and monitoring.
EO4GEO presents some of the projects implemented by the Institute:
“The priority for Europe is to enlarge cover area, spread knowledge on Caucasus region, obtain new data for further development and mutual collaboration. For me is important the following: enhance skills and knowledge; get access to the new data; training new stuff; and if it’ll be possible to initiate new magistrate/doctorate course on satellite data application.”, says Marika Tatishvili — Scientist at Georgian Technical University
Investigation of weather and climate forming natural factors for regional multimodeling methods (2018–20)
Solar Flares, Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs), Solar Energetic Particles (SEPs) are the drivers of the Space Weather effect in Geo-Space. They can produce the following affects: electrostatic spacecraft charging, shifting of the Van Allen radiation belt, space track errors, launch trajectory errors, radar errors, radio propagation anomalies, electrical power blackouts, oil and gas pipeline corrosion, communication landline and equipment damage, electrical shock hazard, electrical fires, heart attacks, and traffic accidents.
The aim of the project is the investigation of the magnetic storm impact the evaluation character of meteorological parameters and development of meteorological processes in the atmosphere. As the meteorological events caused by Solar wind are poorly represented in weather and climate models. Geomagnetic indices are measure of geomagnetic activity occurring over short periods of time. They have been constructed to study the response of the Earth’s ionosphere and magnetosphere to changes in solar activity. To conduct correlation analysis dst, kp kp geo-magnetic index and pre and after storm 3 days meteorological observation data for weather parameters (temperature, precipitation, pressure) and synoptical maps were used. The wave –particle model has been created to represent particle interaction in the atmosphere considering exchange photon. The equation for interaction potential is obtained for atmospheric clusters through Van-Der-vaals forces. In this approach atmosphere is represented as the continuum of clusters on different energetic levels. The Earth geo-environment is one of sources of renewable energy, the use of which is the possibility to transfer on new energy carrier.
Studying of regional microcirculation processes dynamics on the territory of Georgia with the aim of improving existing (current) atmosphere processes simulation model (2014–16)
The completed investigations in the presented Report deals with the regional-local atmosphere processes dynamics and model calculations considering Georgian physical-geographic conditions.
The location, physical and geographic conditions of Georgia give possibility for rising and evaluating various meteorological processes with relevant thermal-baric field. Absolutely new mathematical relation between pressure and distance in wind vortex field has been obtained in this Report. The equation for vind vertical velocity is defined with additional member representing orographic influence, that makes equation unique from existing ones. The mathematical model for defining vertical velocities so-called “triangle polygon” method is suggested. Various upwinds and almost permanently existed local geophysical “phenomena” at atmosphere surface layer have been studied. Toidentify wind velocity in Imereti region “tech-line” method has been used firstly, in Tskaltubo-Kutaisi-Zestaponi section.
Development of high resolution local atmospheric process modeling system for Georgian territory (2010–13)
The mesoscale layer, strata clouds, various mists, cloud ensembles, mist artificial modification, aerosol dispersion, pollutant optimization and etc. have been investigated. Atmosphere surface layer has been studied by mathematical modeling considering hydrometeorological features of Georgian separate regions. Nature of internal waves in atmosphere and hydrosphere has been studied for investigation mixture spreading in flow; also internal waves while horizontal spreading mixture in flow in elastic turbulent medium (actual mountain-gorges and rivers). The following have been studied detail: Turbulent regime in Atmosphere meso and boundary layers; various inversions; cloud and mist thermo-hydrodynamics; mist as ecological phenomenon; developed theoretical basics for mist artificial modification.
Based on atmospheric processes nonstationary mesoscale model for Georgian territory the peculiarities of mesoscale flows in troposphere under conditions when undisturbed background flow undergo significant transformations and atmospheric circulation regime has been changed by another one.
Model equation solving area which’s sizes among X and Y axis compose 830km and 690km is shown in the figure below. On same figure is given relief elevation revealing that integral area is characterized by sharply expressed orographic elements. Those are: Caucasus in north, Georgian southern uplands on south and placed between those two risings lowland or intermountain depression, which begins from the Black Sea coast — triangle shaped Kolkheti Lowland and extends to east Georgia in the form of narrow line. Among those two uplands a number of small scaled elements have been placed. Such relief type has definite influence on air masses motion in atmosphere lower layers over Georgian territory. 30 computing level was on vertical and on each level grid knot amount among X and Y axis compose 84 and 70 with 10km horizontal step
Fig: Georgian relief used in nonstationary mesoscale model and equation solution area
Fig: Simulated flow field at 1500m for different times.
Grant Project “Development and validation of 1936–2008-year high resolution monthly gridded temperature and precipitation data set for use in global climate change assessment for Georgia” (Grant #09–734–5–170, Agreement №1–5/67) realized by financial support of Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation
Based on hydrometeorological observation net for 1936–2008 period temperature and precipitation 25km grid data set has been created using GIS Spatial Interpolation Procedure soft. This gave possibility to evaluate temperature and precipitation distribution regime and access climate change rate in western and eastern Georgia
Air temperature annual mean change velocity 0C per decade. Precipitation annual sum variation velocity % in decade
Donor organization: Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia
Complex Atlas of climatic and agro-climatic resources of Georgia has been elaborated for the first time. Its publishing as of a fundamental work will be of crucial importance. Results of perennial researches of Georgian scientists involved in this sphere are generalized in the work. The atlas consists of two parts. First part presents maps of general climate, factors of climate formation on the territory of Georgia, main elements of climate, atmospheric phenomena, distribution of resort resources and possible climate change, also as well as hazardous meteorological phenomena. The second part represents agro-climatic resources that enable agronomists to rationally dislocate agricultural crops, also forecast their high productivity. Majority of agro-climatic maps are designated for zoning of separate crops according to districts — cereals, vine, tea, citrus, subtropical crops etc. Phenological maps of agricultural crops shall also be taken into consideration. They are decisive in proper implementation of agro-technical measures, etc. Wide spectrum of climatic and agro-climatic resources has been reflected for the first time in the Atlas, including mountainous and highland districts. This will give an opportunity to the businessmen, farmers and motivated people to optimize their activities and more effectively use the land resources they dispose. Archive materials of the Department of Hydrometeorology at the National Environmental Agency and Institute of Hydrometeorology at the Georgian Technical University were used while developing the maps. The Atlas represents scientific work and is designated for the specialists engaged in agriculture, industry, energy, forestry, construction, transport, health, resort and other sectors, also for wide society interested in climatic, bioclimatic and agro-climatic resources of Georgia.